Think about this: You know true, useful things to do when challenged. How does one access that wisdom in a pinch, when the moment of anger or fear ignites in one's day? That's when you want to react according to your own Best Practices. Use a picture in your head that triggers the ideal action you need to take. How? (1) Recognize warning signs. (2) Rehearse accessing the concrete instructions ready in your mind. (3) With ignition of a challenge, put into action the thought pattern you have prepared through practise. (4) Take a nice, deep breath in the face of the challenge (5) see the symbol which reminds you of what you know (it takes nanno seconds), (6) act according to your knowledge (takes nanno seconds to recognize and launch the behaviour). Practise on the small daily setbacks life offers us all. Timing is everything; practise will take you there, ready like an athlete to go the distance: not somebody's else's distance, but YOUR distance. Questions very welcome; this is hard to put into words but let's try.
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